Saturday 24 March 2012

band yg aku minat ni

I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
that you've created

you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

you will be the death of me
you will be the death of me

bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted

now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
you'd never dream of
breaking this fixation

you will squeeze the life out of me

bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this?

you will suck the life out of me

bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

jom r nyanyi2 sket lam blog nie heee...sunyi jer rase..huhuhu..lame x update post :)

Saturday 17 March 2012

kuiz kejuttt

memang best kan...tibe tibe ade kuiz mengejut..aku yang xde laptop ni terkapai kapai r kna cari laptop orang
.mujur ade member tolong. law x "im dead".

thats my POSTTTT

Tuesday 13 March 2012

SEdeyhhhhh hehe

hye sume..pagi tadi kite blaja excel. sungguh tragis kejadian pagi tadi..malang tol la nasib aku Y_Y. tengah2 syok wat kerje Pc lak 'JAMMED'. memang terbaikk kan n_n. Mujur r dapat kawtim ngn En Azzwan hehe.trimas bebyk En Azzwan. t law ade mase kite p ngeteh r aku nk share ngn korg. Jangan lupe ilmu td hehe :)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Penink laaa plakk

nk tulis pe lak ni..adoyaiii..kan da pening je nk ttp kna post kn. so kna la ikot ckp bos..kite pon post la yg bru

sekian :)

Monday 5 March 2012

Esok punye Cerita

video ni sal mail merge application yang ada dalam Microsoft Word 2010.. Korang tgk2 la sal menda ni.. sebab nanti dalam class Application Computer kita nanti En. Azzwan nak ajar camne nk gune menda alah ni.. so before blaja.. elok la kita dapat skit input2.. takda la time Encik ajar nnt kita semua melopong cam orang kalah judi. blur2 tak faham laaa.. Alrite guy.. :) stay tune.. and if korang ada pape nk cakap.. please.. please.. please.. comment laa ek kat link bawah tu.. See Yaaa!!! :D

Hye2 sume :)

Assalamu'alaikum n_n

      hyee rakan alam aku Ahmad Fadhil bin Razak. Korg nk panggil ape pon boleyy tp lg best kalu korg pnggil Fadhil..heeheh..aku d pakse buat blogspot nie :'( ...agak sukar tuk aku yg noob gle sal blog2 nie...sepatah haram pon nk wat cmne kn..da kna hadap sume nie.pape pon
aku still nk ucap thanks kat encik Azzwan sbb kalu die x suh buat ,maybe smpai tue bangke aku xkan taw cmne nk operate blog nie n_nv

thnkz bebanyak la yer encik Azzwan hehe

so guys, keep in touch ngn blog aku nie ek. Hope korang enjoy and if ada pape nak share.. jgan segan silu.. aok klik je kat link comment tu ek.. Pohpalih weyh!!! (abis kuor bahasa ibundaku.. hehehe :P)